Monday, April 2, 2007



Anonymous said...

What are local architects and the AIA currently doing through efforts to make housing available and affordable to the general workforce today, to young families who wish to acquire their first home and for those who will be moving to Las Vegas shortly to work in the lower economic service sector for the resorts?

Anonymous said...

Affordable housing is closely linked to more dense, mixed-use, walkable development, transportation and public transit. What roles do architects and the AIA play in creating sustainable neighborhoods that are integral components of the community overall rather than isolated, single-zoned, traditional development that supports the suburbs and sprawl?

Anonymous said...

What are the common elements found in residential designs that reflect their appropriateness to providing sustainable life in the Mojave Desert Region - and do we find them here in existing residential developments?

Anonymous said...

We are looking for everybody's ideas, come join us in the Housing committee and help resolve the housing issues in our region! We look forward to your participation today and tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I had to google “charrette” to get oriented. I’ll toss a couple of ideas into the “cart” which is to be presented, eventually, to our governor. No comment on that. As an old woman who has lived in the Las Vegas valley since 1955, I am aware that few, if any, designers of tract homes consider the house plan with respect to the path of the sun during the day. For ideas, we might look to the area of the world where we are using our national treasure to create destruction and to nurture generations of enemies: the Middle East, “the cradle of civilization”. Quite frankly, though, I’m not inspired to go into detail, remembering the ugly example of solar architecture built south of Las Vegas more than 30 years ago when there was a brief pretense at concern for energy conservation. Instead, please let me leave you the title of one of my favorite books on the subject: “Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture, Principles and Examples with Reference to Hot Arid Climates” by Hassan Fathy, U. of Chicago Press, 1986

LVMaddy said...

What happened to the proposal that the school district would receive some parcels of land to use to build custom apartmant complexes for teachers . . is it going anywhere?

Anonymous said...

I am sleep deprived but it is all good. The housing group is working like a beautiful machinery baby.
Looking forward to seeing all the presentations. I think the group identified some serious opportunities for REZONING for mixed use big time.
Sleep is good. Must have sleep.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your ideas "old woman".

lvmaddy, the issue of that land didn't come up in our discussion. I guess that's too specific an issue. We were looking at a bigger perspective, at the level of the whole city.

We made it through the night... did our presentations this afternoon that were well received by our public officials including Mayor Goodman and Mayor Gibson.

Thank you for your participation and stay informed through

Anne Johnson, JE Ecostudio said...

"Is housing a right or a privilege?"
A participant in our group asked this essential question. How we answer is fundamental to determining our response to housing needs. If housing is a privilege, then it remains a commodity to be traded. Social Darwinism will play out: only those who have the "right" skills, birthright, and circumstances will be afforded shelter. The have/have-not gap will widen. Homelessness and substandard or insufficient housing will increase. Is this the future we want for our city?

Anonymous said...

Uh, "the participant" who asked the question was me...
it's OK to quote be
encouraged even...

So you want to start a business?

Oh you already did.

Want to start another one?

I think shelter is a found object.
One finds a site, one finds a way to pay for it.

I don't know what to do about the homeless.

I saw a woman at the intersection
of Swenson & ? on the way out of the charette. Her lower jaw was riddled with holes. I guess from crack addiction but I don't know.
She stood in front of my car and I tried not to look at her.

Is that Social Darwinism?

Is a victim of this Tourism/Gaming economy left to be an addict living off handouts a privilege or a right?

The gaming industry has made an economy where none should be.

That woman stands in a place where she should not stand.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying Gaming causes homelessness.

I'm saying the face of homelessness is rendered absurd, or perhaps obscene, given its proximity to the excess wealth of gaming.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the homeless question, the answer is painfully obvious: house the homeless. There was a great article on the front page of the RJ today talking about the promise of eliminating the problem of chronic homelessness and mental illness by taking the immediate step of providing low-income apartments that are subsidized by federal, local and privated funding. Linda Lera Randle-El asked this very poignant question after our 6 minute (maximum) presentation on Saturday. We mentioned the need for increasing housing choice and promoting zoning changes to allow higher densities and more compact development which would be the first step toward creating truly affordable housing alternatives in a city where land prices continue to be out of reach for working families. What we didn't mention specifically (only for lack of time) is that the homeless need to be provided with homes, not shelters, and that the addiction and mental illness problems can be treated through volunteer or mandatory programs which have been shown to be much more effective when a person has a permanent residence. Housing is definitely a right, and not a privelege. Thank you again, Linda for your contribution to the discussion and to the homeless population in the valley- you are a true hero!

Anonymous said...

If housing is a right, then why are we selling houses?

Shelter is a need. There are no guarantees in life.

When there was a forest the ones who cut the trees and stacked them up into houses were the ones who had shelter.

Then it was: claim the land, work the land.

Contempory life is a mutated remnant of that condition. Las Vegas, however is an artificial construct.
It exists because of a law, a dam and fossil fuel.

The law (gaming) seems to provide an endless economy. An economy that if illegal would still occur.

The Dam, the water is 70-80 feet low. It is a structural limit.
Growth CANNOT occur in the ways that it has occurred.
This includes housing.

The housing that was based on post WWII model, ceases to remain valid in the absence of fossil fuel. PV offers a solution with a $30K buy-in (estimated).

Additional human occupation of the valley ceases to be valid in the absence of additional water sources.

Rural water grab is a bandaid.

Desalinate if you must.

To my friends, I suggest you move to where the water is.

And consider what will happen when the equater starts shifting North.
Where will the places be to grow food?

Anonymous said...

Las Vegas offers many residential choices... each comes with an address and a price tag... and most importantly admission to the high stakes "game" of real estate investing... the object of the game is simple... take less money out of your pocket now than you will put in your pocket later... this game can be played at any location in the valley... government acts just like the house does in "gaming", it takes a cut (called taxes and fees) which is substantially higher than the house's share of gaming wagers... subsidized housing is a game played with house money... the cachet that architects are able to endow a house with helps increase the odds that you'll be successful at the game... claims of "green architecture" and "gren certification" increase the odds in your favor even more... understanding this gives new meaning to the phrase "place your bets"...

however, as a community we are losing the housing game... an increasinly smaller share of housing is available to wage earners, a high percentage is aimed at the very wealthy and many of those units are merely speculative commodities which sit empty much of the time filling real estate's primary function of measuring wealth but housing no one... zoning laws segerate housing by densities... the lowest densities are jealously protected at public hearings by their owners safeguarding their investments... the peripheral location of low density housing increases the rate of community sprawl, lengthens commute times, congests traffic, contributes to green house gases, and makes us all strangers... "winning is everything..."

Anonymous said...

Sorry to go on and on but...Housing isn't about community OR gaming (Dick).

There is a human to be housed and a human who is "authorized" by the State to draw the house for said human. And otheres to build it, finance it, insure it...

The burden is on said human to pay for the end result through labor or currency or barter.

There are a number of parasitic humans whom have attached themselves to those first two.

And to be totally honest, the authorized draftsperson (hopefully me) is also a parasite.

All these parasites exist because the original need of shelter has been obliterated by contemporary mutations.

Don't get me wrong, I became a parasite because State law told me I MUST be one. I have 5 licenses (Three State, two City) that say I CAN legally operate in a closet on Commerce Street.

I think Owners can still draw their own houses, and should. But when they need help they should get it.

Anonymous said...

mdw2WO Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

Wg9a0q Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

WCe652 actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

zgLeRO Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

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